Media <br>Analytics

Measuring Sales Impact

Drive sales performance and optimize media investments.

Is your advertising campaign delivering the desired sales impact? Is your media budget fully optimized? We specialise in econometric media analytics and modeling, helping you to strategically invest in your brand and identify the key drivers to increase your advertising effectiveness.

Our Services

  • Econometric Media Analytics
  • Joint Promotion and Media Analysis
  • Advertising Elasticity
  • Media Plan and Media Mix Optimization/ROI
  • Effective Campaign Profiling
  • Media Modeling: Sales/Profitability Scenarios

Advertising and Sales Performance

How effective is your media campaign at driving sales? What happens when you adjust your advertising budgets - whether increasing or reducing it? What is the optimal media mix, and where should you invest more or less? Analog or digital, single-channel or multi-channel - we precisely measure the net sales impact of your media activities. We analyze each channel’s performance, giving your clear data on how every activity contributes to your overall results.

Econometric Media Analytics

  • Single- and Multi-Channel Campaigns
  • Net Sales Impact
  • Impact on Revenue and Profitability
  • Net effect of each Media Channel

Advertising or Promotion Effect?

Many factors influence your sales results. How effective is your advertising? What impact do sales promotions have during your campaigns? Our Econometric Media Analysis integrates media and sales data from multiple sources. We account for all relevant factors - such as price changes, competitive and trade activities, as well as weather and seasonal effects. The result: precise insights into the isolated sales impact of your advertising and a clear distrinction between media and promotional effects.

Efficient Media Budgets

Where should you invest more or less? We optimize your media plans to identify the most effective campaign profiles. Our precise ROI analysis delivers clear recommendations to increase the efficiency of your media budget and elevate the sales performance of your advertising activities.



Leverage Advertising Elasticities

How do different advertising concepts, updated media strategies, new platforms, or budget changes influence your advertising performance? Our Advertising Elasticity Analysis reveals the effects on sales, revenue, and profitability. Gain insights into outcomes and opportunities with strategic guidance for flexible media investment planning.

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